Article 28 A party may apply for property preservation if, as the result of an act of the other party or for some other reasons, it appears that an award may be impossible or difficult to enforce. 第二十八条一方当事人因另一方当事人的行为或者其他原因,可能使裁决不能执行或者难以执行的,可以申请财产保全。
As insiders, we are in a better position to act on our fiduciary responsibility to represent the interests of shareholders than is an independent party, and we have more tools and power at our disposal to do so. 与独立当事人相比,我们作为董事会成员,处于更有利的地位,能更好地履行我们的受托责任,代表股东利益,而且我们掌握着许多工具和权力,来帮助我们做到这一点。
How is the Central Advisory Commission to go about its work? Generally speaking, it should act in accordance with the provisions of the new Party Constitution. 顾问委员会怎样做工作,总的说就是要按照新的党章办事。
And the infringer shall bear the reasonable cost paid by the infringed party for the investigation of the operator ′ s act of unfair competition that has impaired the legal interest of the infringed party. 并应当承担被侵害者因调查该经营者侵害其合法权益的不正当竞争行为所支付的合理费用。
Jounalists should stick to Maxist news-point and firmly act as the mouthpiece of our Party and people. 新闻工作者要坚持马克思主义新闻观,坚定不移地做党和人民的“喉舌”。
The act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to take property form another person or party. 夺取或试图夺取他人或他方财物时使用致命武器的犯罪行为。其他罪犯一直想用强制手段夺取这块地盘。
If Party B fails to perform its duties due to the improper act of Party A, Party A shall take the consequences. 因甲方的不正当之行为造成乙方不能履行职责的,其后果由甲方自负。
The confidential information of a Party shall not include information which ( a) is ( or becomes) a part of public knowledge without any act or mistake of the other Party. 一方的机密信息将不被包括另一方未采取任何行动或未有任何失措之举动而已有的公众所知的那部分信息。
The two however will play no official role in the government or army, but instead act as patrons of the party. 丹瑞和孟诶将在政府或军队不再担任职位,而作为党的魁首。
The act of recalling an event ( say, your eighth birthday party) changes the structure of that memory in the brain. 对某个事件(例如:我的8岁生日)回忆的行为会改变这段记忆在大脑中的结构。
However, each liquidator has the right to act in the name of the cooperative over a third party. 但对于第三人,各有代表合作社之权。
Generally speaking, it should act in accordance with the provisions of the new Party Constitution. 总的说就是要按照新的党章办事。
All the party organizations and members should act in strict compliance with the party constitution and other regulations of the party and observe Party discipline to the letter. 各级党组织和每个党员都要严格按照党的章程和党内法规行事,严格遵守党的纪律。
One the Relationship Between Act of Procedure of a Party and Civil Juristic Act 当事人诉讼行为与民事法律行为关系考
Actively carrying out the work of college political education on the Internet is a significant act in embodying the spirit of the Party ′ s 16th national congress and expediting the improvement and innovation of college political education. 积极推进高校思想政治教育进网络工作是贯彻党的十六大精神,推动高校思想政治工作改进和创新的一个重要举措。
The legal consequences of modern administrative act not only affect the concerned persons but also affect the rights and interests of the third party. 现代行政行为的法律后果已经不再限于直接相对人,而有可能影响到直接相对人以外的第三人的合法权益。
The cause of the juristic act and the cause of the abstract act are the same concept, meaning the end that the party wants to achieve. 法律行为的原因与无因行为的因是同一概念,都是行为人所要达到的交易目的。
As the ruling programme and policy of western bourgeois party, it inevitably has some defects because of its class limitation, but there are still some rational factors in it, which can act as important reference for enhancing the construction of ruling capability in our party. 虽然它作为西方资产阶级政党的执政纲领和政策,难免会由于其阶级局限性的制约而存在一些缺陷,但其中也包含一些合理因素,这对于我们党加强执政能力的建设有一定的借鉴意义。
In German civil law which obeys the theory of juristic act of real right, the third party's acknowledgement of the former contract's defect is not malicious. 在遵从物权行为理论的德国民法中,第三人对前手交易合同瑕疵的知情不为恶意,第三人对出让人无处分权的知情才构成恶意。
The relationship of the administrative subject and the private party in administrative process is not just "order& obedience" any more. The act of the administration is not only purely supervision, but also give good service to the private party in administrative process. 行政主体对其与行政相对人之间的关系认识突破了过去简单的命令一服从式观念,行政主体的行政行为不仅仅是纯粹的有效管理,更重要的是为行政相对人提供良好的服务。
Performance by Statutory in Justified Act The Four Components of the Disciplinary Action within The Communist Party Of China 正当化事由中的法令行为浅析违犯党纪行为的四个构成要件
Under the new situation, peasant problem should be correctly evaluated, and it's quite elementary to act in the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Sessions of the Fifteenth Central Committee of the Party. 在新的形势下要正确认识农民问题,切实落实党的十五届六中全会精神,改进农民工作作风。
The compound object of trial means that after repealing or renouncing the administrative act, the court should determine the content of the rights and obligations of the private party directly. 复合的判决对象是指,行政判决撤销或否定行政行为之后,进一步深入到原始的行政纠纷,直接确定相对人行政法上的权利义务内容。
Trade unions should exert to pushing the construction of tripartite mechanism and make new contribution for building socialist new labor relations, conscientiously act in the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Party and the fifth and sixth Plenary Sessions of its 16th Central Committee. 各级工会在认真学习贯彻党的十六届五中、六中全会精神,构建社会主义和谐社会中,应着力推进三方机制建设,为建立社会主义新型劳动关系做出新的贡献。
The third section analyses the different principle of responsibility, examines uneven of the inspire efficiency and the impacts on the act of party. 第三部分对违约归责的不同原则进行了经济分析,从风险和利益的分配机制方面考察了其激励效率的高低和对当事人行为的影响。
It is a misunderstanding to German civil law to hold the viewpoint of juristic act of real right protecting mala fide third party. 物权行为理论保护恶意第三人的观点是对德国民法关于第三人规范的误解。
From objective aspect, support act in secret by unilateral accomplices is combined with perpetration act of the party without knowledge, which jointly brings about the occurrence of the results which do harm to the society. 在客观方面,片面共犯者的暗中加功行为同不知情一方的实行行为相结合,共同导致了危害社会结果的发生。
The principal position of party members mean that Party members act as principal role in the political system of a party in power, stand on the principal position and fulfill the principal functions in the inner-Party life and activities. 党员主体地位,是指广大党员是政党政治体系中的角色主体,在政党党内生活和党的建设实践中居于主体地位,发挥主体功能。
Tuition-free normal school teaching is a very important act of regarding education and developing education for our party and state. Pilot schools have responsibilities of giving tuition-free normal school students good educations. 免费师范生教学是党和国家重视教育、发展教育的重大举措,试点大学负有教好免费师范生的重要职责。